Five Game Ideas: Social Distancing

Hidden Objects

What is in the box? In a group of 4 or more people, you are given four plastic boxes and a bag of items. Each box is labeled: Person, Place, Thing, Idea. You are placed in teams. The goal of the game is to help your team guess what is in the box. One person is the clue giver and the rest of the people on the team are the guessers. The guessers have to guess what is in the box all at the same time. They cannot guess each box individually. Each team is trying to guess what is in the boxes before the other team does.

Similar to: Code Names, Clue, Taboo

Stolen Identity

Someone stole your identity in the group of people you are playing with and the goal of the game is to be the first one who finds out who. You stole someones identity in the group as well. You want to make sure you do not get caught by the others in the group.

To start, each person writes their name on a piece of paper and puts it in a bowl. Each person picks their new identity from the bowl. There is a deck of cards that have questions in the middle. Each time it is your turn, you pick up a card, read off the question and then answer the question how you think the your new identity would. You might have to be creative with your answers because you do not want people to find out who you are. After three rounds of answering questions, each person takes a guess who they think stole their identity.

Similar to: Bang, Clue, Guess Who

Build Your Way Out

This one needs some development but the theme is you and the people you are playing with are given a scenario where you are physically stuck somewhere (in a jungle, out in the ocean, underground, etc.) The goal is to be the first one to break free. I have not fully figured out what steps would be taken in order to get out and the different obstacles that would be included. The picture I have in my head is to have different questions you have to answer. If you answer incorrectly, it will be a struggle to try and get out.

Color Changes Everything

Color is important. It can be informational, emotional, exciting, scary, etc. It is time to see how other people see and feel color. You are given a color wheel. When it is your turn, you spin the wheel and land on a color. The other players do not know the color that you landed on. Your goal is to try and explain the color without saying what color it is. This game needs some obstacles because for most people, explaining colors can be easy. You win by guessing all of the colors on the color wheel.

Sell Yourself

How good are you at interviews and making yourself fit a role? For this game you are given a dice and a role (stay at home mom, grounds keeper, college student, etc.). In the game, you are applying for a new role. Every time it is your turn, you role the dice and depending on what number it lands on, you pick the card associated with that number. The cards are characteristics about your person. Once you pick up three characteristic cards, you then have to sell yourself with your characteristics to your new role. The people playing with you are the judges and have to determine if you got the job or not.

Similar to: Fun Employed

4 Replies to “Five Game Ideas: Social Distancing”

  1. I think your Stolen Identity idea shows a lot of promise. The game sounds like it would give players certain challenges when playing with a group of people who all know each other very well, and a different set of challenges when playing with a less familiar group. The fact that the game has potential to help players get to know each other better means it could serve as a useful replacement for typical orientation ice-breakers that are so widely dreaded.

  2. I think I like your Stolen Identity and Color Changes Everything games the most. I know I would enjoy playing those types of games which why I feel like the are the strongest ideas. I think these games would be good to play when you are trying to get to know someone. Color Changes game would be great for younger children. Them trying to explain objects that are the same color as the actual color found on the card is a great way to learn for them. I feel like it would be a strong recess game! Good ideas.

  3. I like your Stolen Identity game the most. I think it would be really fun to play it with a group of friends. I also like how it shows how well you and the group knows the person you get.

  4. Stolen Identity and Color Changes Everything are really cool ideas especially Color Changes Everything. I know I’m not the best person at explaining things so that would be interesting.

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