Brainy Act

The game I am working on currently is called Brainy Act. If you have ever seen minute to win it, played heads up, or pictionary, then you would love this game. The idea is that it comes as an app and a physical stack deck, with cards that ask a user to complete a certain activity in a certain amount of time. The activity may be a physical action, or an intellectual challenge. An example could be, name three countries starting with the letters Li in under a a minute. The box would come with a timer that has a color that matches the color of the card. If the card is red, use the red sand timer. if the card is green, use the green sand timer. Each timer is a different amount of time 30 seconds, 1 min, and 2 mins. If on the mobile app, the timer will come up automatically. Users have the option to shuffle the deck to create a random order of types of activities, or don’t shuffle and pick which types of activities you’d like to focus on by separating that color.

I also did research, as I mentioned in my other post, about colors and what colors create what emotion in a user. This was primarily to get a better understanding of what color aesthetic I want my game to be.

I found that Red sparks Excitement, Energy, Passion, Action, Desire

White relates to Innocence, Pure, Simple, Hopeful

Orange relates to being Optimistic, Uplifting, Rejuvenating, Friendliness, and Fun

Black related to being Powerful and Sleek – used to market luxury products

Yellow directly correlates to Happiness, Enthusiasm, Friendliness, Optimism, and Confidence

Grey relates to Balance, Calm, and Secure

Green relates to Hope, Growth, Refreshing, Balance, Reassurance

Blue relates to Trust, Honesty, Authority, Serenity, Intelligence

Purple relates to Creativity, Spirituality, Individuality, Quality, and Royalty.

The key words in bold are representative of the things I look to show through Brainy Act. I want an exciting game through multiple different unique actions. A game that is simple, fun, and easy to learn for all ages. A sleek, elegant looking game that is a high end product. And of course, last but not least, creating a happy environment for all users.

I really look forward to seeing where this game can go. I think it has a lot of serious marketing potential, and people of all ages could have fun no matter the day or circumstances.

If you have anyone has any feedback I’d love to hear what you have in mind or any suggestions. Or if you have any questions I’d be willing to answer.