To feed, or not to feed (game revisions)

Alana Tush

  • Only deal three cards that the players can look at- adds strategy and interaction with other players
  • score after round 3 instead of each round
  • buy another color token to signify animals are fully fed instead of having a bunch of blue tokens
  • add in more explanation of a players turn
  • if you choose to keep a card, you cannot discard it later
  • the round ends when the draw pile is done.
  • 3 rounds- finish the whole deck is one round

Week 5 Game review and ideas

Alana Tush

Game Review

Sushi Go

  1. Was it fun? Yes I enjoyed this game because it is easy to learn and not that serious.
  2. What were the player interactions? The player interactions are switching the hand you have each turn and looking at others cards that are down to see which card you want to place next.
  3. How long did it take to learn? This game almost took no time to learn, we quickly skimmed through the rules and started to play, we got more comfortable as the game went on.
  4. Would you play it again?Yes i would play this game again, it goes fast and avoids getting boredom in the middle of the game.
  5. What are the collaborative and or competitive aspects of the game? This game is competitive because you want to score the most points at the end of each round.
  6. What is the game’s metaphor and which of the game’s mechanics standout? The metaphors is to have sushi as your meal and at the end of the three rounds, you get dessert. I like how each player switches their hand each turn because there is no secret what each player has because all the players have seen that hand before.
    • act 1- Reading rules, dealing 9 cards to each player
    • act 2-gameplay- choosing one card to keep and pass the rest of your hand to the left. Pick like cards so you can get as many points as possible
    • act 3- add up your points and start round 2, the game is over after round 3 and you add up all the points from each round, the person with the most points at the end of round three wins.

Spit Card Game

  1. Was it fun? Yes I love this game.
  2. What were the player interactions? The 2 players are trying to be faster than their opponent to place all their cards first and hit the smallest pile to win those cards. You want the least amount of cards as possible
  3. How long did it take to learn?I knew how to play this game already, I was teaching Lauren but she caught on very quickly.
  4. Would you play it again? Yes I would play this again.
  5. What are the collaborative and or competitive aspects of the game? The collaborative aspects is flipping a new card at the same time once both the players cannot put any more down. The competitive part is trying to be faster than your opponent so you can get rid of all your cards.
  6. What is the game’s metaphor and which of the game’s mechanics standout? This game is trying to deceive your opponent about your last card so they don’t suspect that you are going to throw it down and hit the smaller pile. The mechanics is quickly putting cards down either adding up or down and picking up cards so you always have five in your hand
    • act 1- deal the whole deck to 2 players, count 15 cards out of your hand and place the remaining cards in a personal pile. Count 5 cards to hold in your hand. Flip the top of each personal pile over and look at the 5 cards in your hand
    • act 2-game play- place the 5 cards in your hand counting either up and down on top of the card you flipped from the two personal piles. Pick up another card from the remaining 10 so you always have 5 cards in your hand to play
    • act 3- repeat until each player has no more moves and take another 2 cards from the personal pile and flip it in top of the cards in play. The first person that puts their last card down from their 15 slaps the smaller pile to win. Repeat this until someone wins with no cards left.

Gin Rummy

  1. Was it fun? Yes I enjoy this game because There isn’t one way to get gin, you can either get 3-4 of the same number, or you can count up or down with the same suit, they just have to be in order
  2. What were the player interactions? The players interactions are player 1 putting a card down, and player 2 either picking up that same card or choosing to pick up a hidden card.
  3. How long did it take to learn? I already knew how to play this game, but when I first learned it was pretty easy to pick up on.
  4. Would you play it again? Yes I would play Gin again.
  5. What are the collaborative and or competitive aspects of the game? There is no collaborative aspects of this game but it is competitive and strategic to get Gin first so you win more points.
    • act 1- Deal 10 cards to each player, set the remaining cards in the middle face down, flip the top one over. Organize your cards into suits or like numbers
    • act 2- each player takes turns picking up one card at a time and placing a card down in the discard pile, the second player can either take a new hidden card, or the one their opponent placed down
    • act 3- match 3-4 like numbers in your hand or count up or down with cards with the same suit. Once you can no mis match cards on your hand you have gin and your opponent lost. Count up the points and the first who gets 100 wins.

Collecting Game Ideas

  1. Flip over a color card and a number card, the person that retrieves the amount and color that the cards specify wins.
  2. A play on but it’s a dog collecting shoes, homework, treats, and table scraps to eat. The game ends when the dog accidentally eats chocolate or a grape.
  3. Scavenger hunt of lego pieces that have riddles for each clue where they are hidden. Once you complete the lego build first, you win.

Week 4 Game Ideas and Review

Alana Tush

Game Ideas– animal themed

  1. Online game where you have to take care of animals in the zoo and there are time constraints so you have to be dedicated to the game to make sure all the animals are properly fed and cared for.
  2. card came where each player puts down an animal card and the strongest animal wins. The cards will have a number at the top signifying how many food tokens to collect. You can feed your animals this way.
  3. Board game of a zoo, you travel around and have to complete a task before your next turn.

Tsuro Game Review

  1. Was it fun? This game was fairly fun, it wasn’t the most entertaining, but I liked how your move can sabotage other players.
  2. Is it interactive? Yes this game is interactive because everyone is paying attention to each players move to decide what they want to do when its their next turn
  3. Was it easy to learn? Yes this was easy to learn, it was a little confusing at first to know what to do when we ran out of tiles to place but we eventually got the hang of it.
  4. Would you replay? Yes, I would replay this game because it takes less than 20 minutes to finish the game so it doesn’t get boring once you’re stuck in the middle of the game.
  5. What are the collaborative and or competitive aspects of the game? The collaborative aspect is that you have to pay attention to all players tile choice to see if you have to move your piece. The game is also slightly competitive because you can place a tile that will make another players piece go off the board and lose.
    • Act 1- Reading the rules, understanding how to place tiles and move along the path of the tiles, understanding what the objective is (don’t fall off the game board)
    • Act 2- starting to place tiles, moving your piece, and sabotaging others paths and plans through the game
    • Act 3- Starting to use strategy to eliminate other players to make it easier for you to win.

Citadels Game Review

  1. Was it fun? I didn’t really like this game, I guess it was fun while it lasted.
  2. Is it interactive? Yes this game is very interactive, players are always switching character cards and each character has a special ability to sabotage another person.
  3. Was it easy to learn? This was complicated to learn, you really have to pay attention to what others are doing and read the character cards so you have the best chance of having fun.
  4. Would you replay? No I would not replay
  5. What are the collaborative and or competitive aspects of the game? The competitive aspects of t he game are to sabotage another player by stealing their buildings or gold coins.
  6. What is the game’s metaphor and which of the game’s mechanics standout? The games metaphor was to build as many structures as possible, once you get to 8, you win. The mechanics include: placing cards, drawing cards, taking coins from the bank, paying coins to the bank, and picking cards from a communal set of character cards
    • Act 1- reading rules, dealing 4 cards to each player, giving players 2 coins from the bank, separating white star cards to the side.
    • Act 2- Game play- picking character cards, either taking 2 coins from the bank or picking up 2 building cards, paying the bank
    • Act 3- Being competitive and sabotaging other players so they do not get 8 cards to win the game.

Week 3 game review and ideas

Alana Tush

Tokaido Review

Was it fun? Yes, the game was fun because of the slight competition. The game wasn’t too competitive because you all have a turn, but there is a lot of strategy involved.

Would you play again? I think i’d give them game another round…

Is it interactive? Yes, this game is very interactive, for example, if you pick a spot on the board where someone else wants to go, you mess their chances up of having that spot.

Was it easy to learn? It was fairly east to learn, like any game once you start playing you get the hang of it.

Game Ideas

  1. Translator is a guessing game in which the players collaborate by using hints that the game provides to translate a word or sentence in a foreign language.

    2. Years ago is a guessing game in which the players compete by using their memory to guess how many years ago certain categories (songs, movies,…) came out.

    3. Guess the professor is a guessing game in which the players compete by using clues written on cards to guess which professor the card is describing.

    Week 2 Questions, Game Ideas, and Game Review

    Alana Tush

    Question Set 1

    1. What Mechanics would you like to use for a game with a theme that revolves around being the size of a nanometer?
      • I guess some sort of biology game that has little trinkets of protiens, atoms, bacteria, etc.
    2. Who are you making games for?
      • I am making games for someone who is interested and curious about how the game works and who can make suggestions for how it can be better.
    3. Who will be your play testers outside of class?
      • My friends and boyfriend

    Question Set 2

    1. Can you think of a game you were able to play without referring to the rules?
      • hide n seek, tag, red rover, four square
    2. How do you define what a game is?
      • Mechanics and rules, pieces and graphics, theme/ story
    3. What features can make your games more intuitive?
      • having a card game, for example uno, that has many different variations. I would assume mostly everyone in our generation knows how to play regular uno, but having a new variation is more exciting and fun, while still having the same premise.

    Question Set 3

    1. What was your gateway game? What do you play to introduce others to gaming?
      • My gateway game was brick breaker on my moms blackberry phone 😉
    2. What features do gateway games share?
      • Gateway games share easy instructions that can be explained to young kids and still be fun for adults to play (family games).
    3. What are the 10 beautiful mechanics and what should you aim for with your own?
      • Kingmakers noblesse oblige, battletech’s heat, set’s set-making, magic’s card tapping, battle cattle’s cow tipping rule, xxxenophile’s popping, bohnanza’s hand order rule, mississipppi queen’s paddle wheels, communication breakdown, constant shuffling. I would say to have 2 or more of these mechanics in a game to make it more interesting.
    4. How does luck and strategy factor in to game play?
      • luck is something beyond your control, it might help you or hurt you. Strategy is making plans and decisions during game play that might further your winning status.

    Game Ideas thats can be played using cards

    1. War (card game) with different characters with an emotional status. The card would have a character with a “happy meter” on the side of them. The higher happiness of the two cards down wins.
    2. Uno with shapes and letters
    3. Cards with random items that can be found in a classroom. The first person who finds the item and brings it back to the table wins a point.
    4. Playing darts but you have to flip a card over and try to hit that number
    5. The card game spoons, but the items that need to be grabbed are in a different room. Everyone has to run and try to get there before all the items are taken, and you are out.

    Bohnanza Review

    1. Was it fun? Yes, the game was very entertaining. When you got the right amount of cards to harvest and get coins, it was exciting. It was still exciting though to make trades and barter for better bean cards.
    2. Is it interactive? Yes, this game is very interactive. Everyone wants to see the cards you reveal to make a decision whether to offer you a better bean card or to opt out of trading.
    3. Was it easy to learn? This game was fairly easy to learn. Once we played through the deck of cards once, we were all understanding of the premise.
    4. Would you replay the game? Yes I would replay this game, our group actually played another round instead of starting a new game because it was fun.
    5. Applying the three act structure-
      • act 1- reading the rules to the game and setting up the mechanics (dealing 5 bean cards to each person, setting the field cards on the correct side). Playing a practice round to get used to the premise of the game.
      • act 2- the competition begins.. Trading the bean cards is where all the competition takes place. The people who need the certain bean cards offer something the active player needs to further their status in the game to win.
      • Act 3- At the end of the bean game, everyone is looking how many coins each player has, and tries to sabotage the other players by not trading with them. If you make the decision not to trade, that could mean they wouldn’t get anymore coins to potentially beat you in the game. Everyone harvests their beans to get the max amount of coins at the end of the round.

    Week 1 Questions, Fluxx Game, Game Ideas

    Alana Tush

    Week 1 Questions

    1. In my opinion, every game should have enticing rewards. For example, free gifts to use in the game to further your level. These rewards make the game more intriguing, therefore you want to play more. My favorite game right now is HayDay because it is a level based game and you get rewards once you level up. The game continues to get better each time you reach another level, so why would you not want to play?
    2. I have played: monopoly, candy land, clue, battleship, connect 4, checkers, jenga, sorry, hayday, tetris, snake, geometry dash, Minecraft, Fortnite, candy crush, subway surfers, solitaire, uno, gin rummy, blackjack. I currently play hayday and a few card games listed.
    3. I don’t think the three act structure applies to my favorite game because there is no conflict between players. Since there is no “beginning act” there is no struggle for victory or an ultimate ending of the game. Pacing is a critical part to how the story plays out in the game.
    4. It doesn’t matter if you start with the metaphor or mechanics of the game, you’re creating. For me, it is easier to start with the mechanics before I create a story of the game. Knowing all of the pieces I’ll need for gameplay. It is easier to adapt a story than to change all of the mechanics of the game.

    Fluxx Game

    1. Fluxx was fun while it lasted, I think there are a lot of other card games that are more entertaining. The game requires a lot of reading and remembering.
    2. This game is very interactive because if you play a goal or new rule card, it changes the course of the game. For example, someone could be very close to winning with their keepers, but if the goal changes, they are no longer close to winnning.
    3. For me, this game was very confusing the first time I played, but the second time around I understood the goal of the game a lot easier.
    4. I would replay this game. Since it was easier the second time playing, maybe it will be even better the third time.

    Game Ideas (that can take place on campus)

    1. Wheatley- hide n seek in the dark
    2. First to find Tucci
    3. Monopoly (board of the campus)
    4. Classroom silent library (game show)
    5. Old maid game but with professors on the cards

    Light Project

    The light in this short video was an iPhone flashlight. I experimented with using a large spotlight, but the building was very blurry. There wasn’t a clear outline of anything. In the video, I used Jenga blocks to create a building with windows. The building fell down due to an earthquake. Shortly after, construction workers come up with ladders and build the structure back up. I took pictures of each movement and made it into a stop-motion video.