Week 1 Game Theory Jackbox Review

I actually have never played any Jackbox games before so playing last class was very enjoyable.  I say the game that stood out to me the most was Split the Room. Again, I have not played Jackbox ever, but I feel like this game was my favorite because of the style. The style of  Split the Room is a set up as sort of a would-you-rather game but made you think a little more. I thought the game was very easy to learn and I quickly picked up that the less that the group votes for one option over the other, the more points you get.  Getting to think who would pick what answer and trying to go with the opposite was fun because it made me try and think hard and fast before time ran out. At first I was a little confused but I feel like it was a very easy to learn game.   

The game that I found least enjoyable was patiently stupid.  I know drawing is not my thing so when I went to play it, I was more anxious about not knowing how to draw rather than enjoying the game.  Maybe if they gave us a little more time to think about what to draw I would like it a little more.  Also, I did not like how all of us could not play it at the same time. Maybe they could fix the game a little more by making the time to draw a little longer and allowing more players to play at a time.