Thoughts on Captains Lost Treasure

Playtest for – Captain’s Lost Treasure

What was the most frustrating moment or aspect of what you just played? 

Slow pacing – Turns seemed to go on for a while
Unbalanced HP/ATK for crew members 

What was your favorite moment or aspect of what you just played?

I liked the concept of the game, and attacking other players ships/crew members

Was there anything you wanted to do but couldn’t? 

It would have been nice to have the ability to be more aware of other players ATK/HP (might be hard to implement in a draft but the idea of a slider or spinner on cards that shows the stats – the player sheets are nice to keep track but not super easy when trying to read other players)

If you had a magic wand to wave, and you could change, add, or remove anything from the experience, what would it be?

Balance out the ATK/HP 

How has the experience changed since the first play test?


Is this a game you would play again? Why?

Yes, I enjoyed the concept of the game and think  it sounds fun, numbers just need adjusting.