Five 1-sentence game ideas

  1. Trick Shot is a game where everyone competes to see who can successfully make trick shots into cups, using only a plastic ball and a booklet filled with shots and visual instructions ranging from beginner to advanced.
  2. In Gotcha, players have 3 opportunities to “give” their roll of the die to another player, forcing them to move forwards or backwards the number of spaces chosen by the other player.
  3. Role Play is a continuous game that can be played casually or hardcore throughout the whole night as everyone acts out characters/roles from whatever movie or tv show the card they pick shows.
  4. No Words is a game where everyone picks a card in the beginning which tells them what words they cannot say throughout the game, then as the group picks cards that tell them what to do, describe, or act out, you are in charge of calling out fellow teammates for using their forbidden words.
  5. One person hides an object (specified) object in the room then the players all roll the dice which decided how many moves they have to find the hidden object.

One Reply to “Five 1-sentence game ideas”

  1. The 2nd idea intrigues me. Normally in those kinds of games (that I’ve played at least) your dice roll controls your own moves, but the idea of your dice roll controlling your opponent is an interesting twist. With that as a strategic mechanic, it seems like this is the kind of game that could benefit most from more than 2 players, so there are more strategic choices to be made in who to move when.

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