Connect Four – Hannah Williams

Connect Four Rules: 

  • Normally, you aim to make a row of 4 pieces. HOWEVER… 
  • Instead of making a row, you will aim to make shapes out of 4 pieces 
  • Each shape is worth a set of points. Whoever has the most points wins! 
  • If you end in a tie, or neither player makes any shapes, start over! 

Shapes and their points: 

Parallelogram = 1 point 

Square = 3 points 

Diamond = 5 points 


Tragic Magic Show

Tragic, Magic, Show!

This games follows the traditional rock, paper, scissors rules

  1. Players get 3 cards
  2. Players say tragic, magic, show and on show, everyone puts their card face up on the table
  3. Witch > vampire, vampire > werewolf, werewolf > witch

Guess That Word!

Time limit: 2 minutes per round
# of Players: 4 – any even number of players
If you pass – 2 points
If you say an illegal word – 4 points
How To Play: How will you make your partner Guess That Word? You have 2 minutes to guess the word written on the top of your chosen card. There are five different topics to choose from, and once you pick a topic, you must stick with that topic for the whole turn. Once your turn comes up again, you may pick a different topic for your turn. On the card are three illegal words that cannot be said to Guess That Word. For example, if your word was baseball, you cannot say bat, field, or home base. You also cannot say any part of the word baseball to have your partner Guess That Word. You cannot rhyme the word with any other word, either. You could say, “This sport is a major league sport,” “You can swing to get a home run,” or “There is a catcher position.” There is no penalty for wrong guesses. As you attempt to have your partner Guess That Word, someone from the other team will watch over your shoulder to ensure you aren’t saying the three illegal words on the card. If you say one of them, the opponent will say “word,” and their team will receive 4 points because you said one of the illegal words and can steal the rest of their turn and attempt to guess the word on that card. For example, If the word was “cat” and you weren’t allowed to say the word “meow” but you did, the opponent would say “word” and then take the card from you and have their partner attempt to Guess That Word. If you can make your partner Guess That Word, you will receive 4 points for every word guessed correctly within the 2-minute time limit. If you think you or your partner will struggle to guess the word on the top of the card, you may pass your turn to the other team. However, the other team will receive 2 points every time you pass a card. The first team to make it to 70 points wins Guess That Word.

RMU Candy Land

Evelyn, Christine, Elijah

Normal Candy Land rules:

  • roll dice – move that # on the board
  • First one to make it to the end wins
  • *note special location spots
  • Follow the rules on each card
  • IRL – refers to actions on the cards