BrainyAct Updated Rule Set

(2+ player game)

Components: XXX (tbd) Question and Answer Cards, One 2-minute Sand Timer

Objective: BrainyAct is a card game designed for a fun, educational, interactive group experience. Be the first to reach 3 correct answers in each category. The first person to correctly complete three actions, three science questions, three pop culture questions, and three geography questions wins!

Setup/Gameplay: Make sure the deck of cards is shuffled sufficiently. Once shuffled, place the deck in the middle of the group playing. Youngest player goes first. Players will take turns picking a card from the top of the deck. It is IMPORTANT that the player that is answering flips the sand timer, and any player not active is looking at and reading the card to the active player, preventing the active player from seeing the answer. Complete as many cards as possible in the 2 minutes. Once your 2 minutes is up, it’s time for the next players’ turn. You can even play in teams of two, asking your partner the question, or against anywhere from two or more players.

Correct Answers: Correct answers are listed on bottom of the card upside down. If a player answers the question correctly, they get to keep the card and form 4 different colored stacks in front of them, creating a total of three cards in each stack to win!

Incorrect Answers: If you answer a question incorrect during your turn, the card gets shuffled back into the main deck. However, before doing so, as the reader, make sure to read off the answer to the player who answered incorrect to promote a learning environment for all!

House Rules: At the beginning of the game, players should decide whether they are allowed multiple guesses per question or if there is only one guess per question. Also, decide how accurate answers need to be. For example, if a question card asks, “Which country is the state Pennsylvania in?” and the answer is “The United States of America” and a player states “the U.S.” is that an acceptable answer? A skip option is something that should be declared at the beginning of the game as well. Lastly, players can decide if they want a hint or not after a certain amount of guesses. For example, if after three guesses the player is stumped, feel free to give a hint!


Red Bolt: A red bolt denotes an action. Players will have to complete a physical task to earn the card! 

Yellow Bolt: A yellow bolt denotes science! Make sure to channel that inner Bill Nye!

Blue Bolt: A blue bolt denotes pop culture. Examples include questions about the internet, the Olympics, and M&M’s!

Green Bolt: Last but certainly not least, a green bolt denotes geography questions! Do you know your countries? We shall see!