Rules For Cutthroat Chicken


The objective of Cutthroat Chicken is to work together with other players to make it off of the farm before becoming the farmer’s dinner.

Required Materials

  • Game Board
  • Path Tiles (to place on the Game Board)
  • Chicken Game Pieces
  • Weapon Cards
  • Armor Cards
  • Dice


Start by shuffling the Path Tiles face down and place them on the gameboard (face down) in their designated spaces. Each player then chooses the chicken piece and places it at random on the gameboard. No more than two players may be on the same Path Tile. Every player may also draw one weapon card and one armor card.

The first round starts by each player taking a turn flipping over their Path Tile. The player who has eaten chicken most recently goes first. Each path tile gives different directions. Follow the directions on your tile. Some Path Tiles bring joy and others bring sorrow.

On Your Turn…

Begin your turn by flipping over the Path Tile you are on. Your path tile will include directions for your chicken. You may be asked to draw another armor card, draw another weapon card, or even to form an alliance. Beware of Path Tiles with farmers. You will need to use your friends and weaponry to take them down or escape. After you have completed the directions on your path tile you may pick a new Path Tile to move to. Your new Path Tile can only be one tile away from yours in any direction. DO NOT flip over your new tile until it is your turn again. Your turn ends once you move to a new tile and make sure you only have a total of one armor card and two weapon cards in your hand.

Ending the Game

Cutthroat Chicken ends once all the Path Tiles have been revealed. The chickens left at the end have escaped the farm and becoming a meal. If all chickens die before all the Path Tiles are revealed then no one wins and you have all become delicious McChicken sandwiches.

Fighting Farmers

Farmers require a certain dice roll in order to defeat them. The dice roll required is next to the farmer on the Path Tile. Weapons aid your dice roll by increasing the number you roll depending on how good your weapons are. You may add both your weapon modifiers to your dice roll. If you don’t roll high enough you may ask a nearby chicken for assistance. That chicken may only add one weapon modifier to their roll, and may only half the total of their dice roll to yours. If you have rolled high enough with your ally’s help you survive, but you must discard one weapon card.

If you have no weapons when you meet a farmer, your dice roll is taken as is with no modifiers.

If you do not roll high enough to defeat the farmer you are eliminated from the game.