Week 4 – Building Game Ideas

  1. Sorry!: Build Home – Pawns start as usual along the board, except each space has a part of a house. Players choose to pick up these pieces for each of their pawns, taking possible pieces for other players. Once a pawn has all four (or five) pieces of a house, the pawn is safe and is finished. If a pawn continues around the board without enough house pieces and is bumped by another player, SORRY! They must go back to their start, put the house pieces back on the board and try again. Once a player has built four houses for each of their pawns, they win.
  2. Jamestown Properties – A modern rendition of the first United States settlement and based on the mechanics of Takenoko, buy and upgrade properties, collect taxes, stop other players from sabotaging your buildings and survive the upcoming frozen winter. Compete against other players to gain the most points through building and sabotaging Jamestown to win.
  3. Troll Bridge – Players are trolls building their bridge to lure adventurers. Players collect supplies and materials in the forest to build their bridge while other players try to sabotage other bridges. But they must be careful as an adventurer walks around and a troll loses all of their materials if they are caught. The first to build a troll bridge wins.