5 Campus Games

  1. A person or group is given a list of landmarks they must hit around campus. They cannot use any stairs or cut across any grass. Different groups can be given a different list of landmarks.
  2. NAME THAT TUNE but the music is whatever short pep songs the RMU band plays.
  3. Must answer trivia questions about RMU. If right, you get to ‘chop’ an opponent. 3 ‘chops’ and the person is out. Last one standing wins.
  4. Puzzle! In The Library: Given a Dewey Decimal #, you must find words/letters/phrases in specific books to spell out the answer to a riddle.
  5. Given a small time limit, you can only grab supplies that you find on campus (textbooks, pencils, water bottles, etc.). Using only what you have grabbed, you try to build the tallest tower.

3 Replies to “5 Campus Games”

  1. Landmarks around campus is interesting given the restriction on how players can move. What other restrictions might they be given? or could the paths they take determine points earned? Can they go through buildings, do they have to take the elevator?

  2. I like #1 a lot. I feel like you could flesh it out to be a Specific Disability Awareness sort of game. No stairs, no grass, communicate in ASL (or just simply no speaking). People take their abilities for granted especially on a campus built on a bunch of tiny hills. I can’t imagine that is fun in a wheel chair.

    1. I would love a game where you have to communicate in ASL, but this game was specifically made with mobility issues in mind. I also would not want to offend the Deaf community by having hearing people mangle the language (or just blatantly come up with random ‘signs’). I do appreciate you understanding where I’m coming from with the Disability Awareness thing though!

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