Week 4 – Lauren Yunk

Tsuro Game review

  1. Was it fun? Yes, I enjoyed playing.
  2. What were the player interactions? The players would interact by placing down pathways and moving their character pieces along those pathways.
  3. How long did it take to learn? Probably around 5 minutes, maybe even less, it was very simple.
  4. Would you ever play it again? Yes, overall I think the game was entertaining.
  5. Analyze the game using the 3-act structure. The beginning was to learn the rules of the game and do a practice run. The middle was actually playing the game by placing down the pathways and making sure you were able to stay on the board. The end of the game was when everyone fell off the board and there was a last man standing and that person won the game.
  6. What are the collaborative/competitive aspects of the game? Yes, the game was competitive as you wanted to be the last person on the board.
  7. What is the game’s metaphor and which of the game’s mechanics standout? The metaphor of the game is “The path of the dragon” and this demonstrates how you are supposed to choose the correct path of the dragon, which allows you to win the game.

Citadel Game review

  1. Was it fun? Yes, I enjoyed playing the game.
  2. What were the player interactions? The interactions were picking a character card and using their special ability, collecting coins, picking up cards with places or buildings on them, and purchasing the building cards.
  3. How long did it take to learn? Roughly 10 minutes. It was a little confusing at first but we managed to get the hang of it.
  4. Would you ever play it again? Yes, I think the game was really enjoyable.
  5. Analyze the game using the 3-act structure. The beginning was learning the rules and doing a practice run. The middle was playing the game by being the first one to collect 8 building cards. The end was when somone collected the 8 cards and we counred up all the points to see who won.
  6. What are the collaborative/competitive aspects of the game? The game was competitive as you wanted to be sabotauge your teammates with your characters ability and be the first to collect the 8 buildiung cards.
  7. What is the game’s metaphor and which of the game’s mechanics standout? The games metaphor is “Nobels, Intrigue, and Cities” which relates to the game because you collect nobels and secretley use their special ability as well as collecting cities along the way.

5 game ideas revolving around the same theme

Theme: Animals

  1. Jaguar Journey – The jauar is trying to make it back to the jungle. Players will role a dice to move across the board. Certain spots require a side quest that must be completed in order to move on. First one to make it to the jungle wins.
  2. Zoo Escape – Be the first person to ecsape the zoo without being caught. Players will role a dice to see how far they get to move. Some spots will send them back the their cage. First to escape wins.
  3. Soaring Seals – See how far your seal can soar after sliding down a hill of ice. Players will pick up a card with a power number to see how much power the seal will have to slide down the hill. After they all made it down the hill they will pick up numbered cards to see how far they will swim. First to the iceberg wins.
  4. Penguin Party – Players start with 5 pieces of fish and 5 cards with items. Fish are used to buy items for the party. To play, you need to buy items for the party. Each item costs a certian amount of fish. First person to get 10 items wins.
  5. Dancing Dolphins – You are doing tricks in order to impress the judge. You will begin with 5 trick cards. Each player places down their card and shuffles them so the judge doesnt see (there will be a new judge every round). The judge will then pick their favorite trick and that person recieves their trick card back and the rest go in the discard pile. The first person to win 10 trick cards wins.

Rules for Dusty Derby

Setup  The game can have 2-6 players ages 12 and up.

Game Components – Two Die, Game board, 2-6 players

Objective – The objective of the game is to become the first person to reach the finish line.

Actions players take – The players will have two die that they will role in order to see how far their horse will take them. Rolling doubles means you have to go back that many spaces. Some spots of the board will have carrots or apples where their horse will stop and eat. This means they have to skip their next turn. Other spots will be an action spot where their horse has to role specific numbers to be able to contuine on. If they cannot role one of the numbers in two tries, they have to move back 3 spaces.

Ending the Game – First person to reach the finish line wins.

3 Replies to “Week 4 – Lauren Yunk”

  1. Penguin Party sounds like a really cute game! I think you could have a lot of fun with art for the party items.

  2. I can agree with you that Tsuro was a very fun game to play. I give most credit to the simplicity of the game.

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