Week 3

 5 Game Ideas:

Castle Builders is a medieval strategy game in which the players collaborate to construct and defend a castle by using resources like stone, wood, and metal to build structures and fortifications. 

Sky Scrappers is a construction game in which the players collaborate to build floating cities in the sky by using various scrapped building materials and engineering tools. 

Nowhere Nomads is a survival game where players navigate through a vast desert, managing resources like water and food, and creating shelters to survive sandstorms and extreme heat.

In Search of the Light is a navigation game in which players attempt to find their way out of a pick-dark maze by communicating with other players, battling strange entities, and solving puzzles to illuminate their path. 

Dont believe me is a party game in which players compete to be deemed the “liar” of the group by recalling facts about their lives so obscure that another player would find it hard to be true. 


Was it fun?

Answer: Yes! This game proved to be enjoyable thanks to its heavy reliance on player communication. 

What were the player interactions?

Answer: Drawing cards, giving hints, placing cards, discarding cards, and moving around game pieces. 

How long did it take to learn?

Answer: It took me a couple of read-throughs of the rules to fully understand how it worked. 

Would you play it again?

Answer: Yes! I would love to play this again with a different group to see how the energy shifts. 

Analyze the game using the 3 act structure.

 Act Structure:

Act 1 – Players learn they must create a fireworks display by playing cards in sequence, but they can’t see their own cards.

Act 2 – Players give and receive clues to deduce their cards, managing limited clue tokens.

Act 3 – Final rounds where players aim to complete the fireworks display before making too many mistakes.

What are the collaborative and or competitive aspects of the game?

Answer: Collaborative: Players work together, giving and interpreting clues to achieve a common goal.

Competitive: Mainly collaborative, but players may compete for higher scores in subsequent games.

What is the game’s metaphor and which of the game’s mechanics standout?

Answer: Metaphor: Represents the challenge of communication and teamwork.

Standout Mechanics: Players can’t see their own cards, relying on clues from others; limited clue tokens add strategic depth.

3 Replies to “Week 3”

  1. In Search of the Light sounds intriguing to me! I would be curious what types of strange entities players might encounter

  2. Sky Scrappers sounds interesting, I love that they aren’t traditional sky scrappers, but are floating buildings. The potential for artwork and story is exciting and I’d like to see the mechanics and game pieces needed to bring this one to life.

  3. I have to agree with Prof. Ames Sky Scrappers sounds interesting. I would love to see where you go from here with this idea.

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