Week 3 Game Ideas: Carson Bauer

 5 game ideas that involve collaboration use the following formate : [Game name] is a [category of] game in which [the players or their avatars] [do or compete or collaborate for some goal] by [using tools the game provides them].

Socialism Monopoly is a cooperative board game in which the players work together in order to make a certain amount of money in a certain amount of years (turns). The catch is that any money made by anyone is divided up evenly among players. In order to make the game more difficult, there are more fines and taxes than normal monopoly.

Hide and Creep is a moving game that is similar to hide and seek in which the players have to take turns hiding each other, trying to keep their teammates hidden from the seeker in a room. In this game though, the seeker is blind folded so your goal is to put your teammate where it is very hard for them to be found without looking. Once you are placed in a spot by your teammate, you cannot move. After 5 minutes of the game, everyone must move 5 feet in any direction, no closer or farther. This indicates the creep aspect of the game. If the game goes to 10 minutes, the hiders win and the seekers lose.

AI Pictionary is a drawing game in which partners have to work together in order to find out what the teammate is drawing. It is much like normal pictionary, but rather you have to use an AI Image generator instead of drawing, and you are not allowed to use the word you are describing in the generation description. Your team wins if they guess it in the shortest amount of time compared to the other team, and first team to 5 wins.

Bomb Squad is a cooperative card game in which players have to work together in order to “diffuse the bomb”. In each round of the game, there is one teammate who reads you the instructions off a card, and the other teammate (diffuser) has to follow the instructions and make the specific pattern out of the cards. The diffuser is not allowed to look at the instructions. The cards that the diffuser has are different color wires that have to be organized in a certain way. I’m still scratching my brain in order to figure out a unique way for the instructor to tell the diffuser the instructions, but this concept has me interested so it is going in the list. Also, can’t forget a classic timer that has the clock ticking.

Maze Runner is a cooperative “maze” / puzzle game in which the team has to ask each other trivia questions in order to move through the maze. The maze will be complex enough to make mistakes, but not too hard as to make the game impossible. The teammates must use the honor system and play fair when asking questions from the stack of cards, each having an “Easy, Medium, and Hard” question. Depending on the difficulty of the question and if it is answered right, that’s how far you will move forward. But if you get a question wrong you will move backwards.

5 Replies to “Week 3 Game Ideas: Carson Bauer”

  1. I absolutely love AI Pictionary! I can just imagine the monstrosities that can be made while doing this

    1. Sara, I left a comment on one of your posts about a similar idea that one of your game ideas made me think of! Maybe your guys’ ideas can inspire each other? just a thought!

  2. I’m really interested in your Socialist Monopoly idea! I like that your version would limit the time spent on the game since some Monopoly games are never-ending, which discourages people from playing more often.

  3. I like the idea of turning tradional monoply into a collaberation game. This would be rather challenging but fun at the same time.

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