Week 1 Reflection

Out of the three games we played, I found Love Letter to be the most entertaining overall. I enjoyed the story behind it, and the game was fun and easy to learn. I felt very similarly about Hanabi in terms of story and enjoyment. Despite its simplicity, I found the rules of the game quite unique. While playing each of these games, I found myself appreciating the story especially, even thinking to myself how much less fun these games might be without one. With Love Letter and Hanabi, it’s a very smooth transition from the backstory provided by the game’s setting, and the story created by the players. The story created by the players even fits in logically with the backstory, which helps immerse the player. It’s interesting, then, that I enjoyed Flux as much as I did. The game epitomizes mechanics, and there is practically no backstory or theme – though, I suppose its lack of these attributes is the theme in and of itself.