Week 1-Game Ideas

  1. A group of players is blindfolded and scattered across a field and they are infected. Another group of players has to make it across the same field to grab objects and bring them back while avoiding the infected.
  2. In a field playing tick tac toe but you have to throw frisbees to mark the x’s and o’s
  3. Two teams are at separate ends of a field with a rock between them that marks the middle. Each team is in a single line, the person in the front has to run to meet the other team in the middle and play rock, paper, scissors. If you win, you continue to run toward the opposite team to win, if you lose, the person has to run and cut the opposing team off from reaching them.
  4. Pieces of a puzzle are scattered in zones across campus. There can be multiple groups but group 1 has to look in zone 1 for their piece of the puzzle and have to find all the pieces to complete the puzzle before the other teams.
  5. A group of people agrees on a word and whenever that word is said you have to avoid the floor like its lava for 2 min. If you don’t make it off the floor your out and if anyone catches you not following the rules, your out.

One Reply to “Week 1-Game Ideas”

  1. Infected is intriguing, I’d like to know what rules do the infected follow? How far can they move, how far are they spaced out, what will keep them in the safe play area if blindfolded players can move?
    Is the object that players collect make noise when picked up to draw infected closer, is it huge and hard to maneuver making it harder to navigate through a crowd?

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