Week 1 – Game Design

Card Game Ideas

  1. Mind of a Serial Killer
    A murder-mystery card game that requires deduction and chance. First, you receive a character card in which determines your strategy and goal. Second, a player chooses a crime/story card. Keep your identity to yourself and complete your goal first. 3 or more players are needed.
  2. Camp-or-Die
    A game of chance and elimination. Each player is a camper and must complete activities to win. Players have to avoid elimination cards that might that might prevent them from these activities. Cards include activities, badges, accidents, deaths, and actions. 2 or more players are needed.
  3. Carnival Recruit
    It’s your first day on the job at the local carnival. As a new recruit, you must perform mediocre tasks to qualify for a better position. Compete with players to advance to a new job/ride, and who knows…maybe you could run the place. Each player starts with 5 cards and 3 tokens. Use tokens to buy tasks. Recieve tokens and a new job when you complete a task. The more difficult the task the better the job and more tokens you receive. Each round you can either buy a task, use an action, or pick up another card. Use action cards to give yourself an advantage over other players. 2 or more players are needed.
  4. Stranded
    You’re stranded on an island and can either build a shelter or build a raft. Choose wisely because both have their consequences. Each player starts with 5 cards and collects 1 card each round. The players must collect the numbered/textured card according to their chosen survival strategy and must lay them out in the right order. You must do this before dark. A timer is set for 5 mins. When the timer goes off each player receives a problem. You may lose a card, have to reset, switch seats, etc. Reset the timer and begin a new day.
  5. Pioneer
    Build your world and become a successful pioneer. Each player starts with 6 cards. According to the card, you may need to roll between a certain number or a specific number to gain money. Use the money to build structures in town. Each structure you build gives you a higher status. (I’m not sure where I want this one to go…)

Game Reviews

Star Fluxx had sci-fi themes from popular movies and tv shows. The Fluxx game was very involved and constantly changing. The game began as very difficult and complicated to understand but evolved to eventually become competitive and fast-paced. As my group played we had shifts in strategy, momentum, and rules that added a risk factor.  The challenge was to complete a goal to win as the game is constantly, shifting in rules and actions.

Love Letter plays on strategy and risk as you act as a potential love interest of the princess and compete against other players to win her affection tokens. With only sixteen cards, one must deduct what cards the other players have in order to give their letters. The game seemed fast paced because it was quick to learn and there were few cards.

Hanabi is a group effort card game in which players team together to play a series of cards in a certain order to set off a firework display. This game was rather complicated because each player couldn’t see their own cards but they could see the cards of other players. We had to follow the actions available and try not to light the fuse early. The game was interesting but it did not hold my attention for too long and seemed counterproductive. The game involved memory, deduction, and group cooperation.