Website Review #2

For my second review, I chose one of my favorite websites Letterboxd. This is basically the “Facebook” for film critics and film lovers (like myself). And at the end of last year, they published a year-end wrap-up for the films released in 2015 with an enormous one page website. At first glance, I could already tell that it was going to be an awesome experience, especially with the big “2015” in bright vibrant colors and having film stills in each number. The main color scheme is a very dark blue, with accents of light orange, green, and blue. I believe that this color scheme works well because the bright colors complement the dark blue to create a really stylish look. I liked how they tell the user to navigate the one page site by using the arrow keys. They also give a little illustration to accompany the directions. The one thing that bugs me is that I feel that it is too small. They should make it one or two points bigger. I feel that the navigation and layout is spot on. According to Steve Krug’s Don’t Make Me Think, a website should have these attributes: usefulness, learnability, memorability, effectiveness, efficiency, desirability, and delightfulness. All of these attributes were executed in Letterboxd’s 2015 Wrap-Up one page site. When one navigates down the page, he or she is delivered with a small clip, title, poster, and short summary of the film in a smooth and clean look. Then, if one continues, they are given a quote and small movie poster from the film above. This format continues throughout the website and also gives interesting facts, lists top film posters as well as top directors, actors and actresses. The finale of this wonderful splendor is the “25 Best of 2015 Video Countdown” that summarizes the “Top 25 Films of 2015” in an incredible video montage that really showcases each film. This one page site truly delivers an amazing experience for anyone who loves film or is even interested in a specific title. Letterboxd did a great job with showcasing a huge amount of content in an organized, clean, sleek, as well as interactive manner.


Take a look for yourself and experience the awesomeness!
