Web Review

One could say that I am almost addicted to audio and finding the best out there for audio. I have recently been doing research on finding a portable speaker that could meet my specific needs and wants in such a product. A commonly known store and site for all thinks electronic is Best Buy. For this reason the website that I choose to for my purchase was BestBuy.com.
Like I said before, the product I am looking for is a portable speaker. When I go to the site it is easy for me to find the bluetooth/portable speaker selection. This is in a drop down menu from the top. Once, I got to the selection I had the option to sharpen my view. I could do this through the side bar on the left of the screen. A problem I ran into with this is that every time I selected something such as price the page would refresh automatically. Now, this would not be a problem if someone did not know exactly what they wanted but I did and had many different boxes I wanted to select. Instead of selecting all the boxes I wanted then submitting it, I would select a box then the page would refresh, then select another one. This was frustrating but was the only problem I ran into. Once I decided on the product I wanted I could either add it to my cart on that page or click on the product and add it there.

Overall, I would say that there site works well with ordering products. The only issue I ran into was selecting multiple boxes to lower the search at once. This automatic reload option would work well for a person only checking one box.