Web design Site review

For my review, I will be looking at the positive and negative aspects of a site. The site that I chose to do my review on is Walmart. Upon first going onto the site, I see that it is a pretty clean and minimalistic site.  There isn’t a lot of clutter or things to get you distracted along the sides.  There are advertisements that have a click scroll at the top of the page under the menu bar.  These ads  show things that they think are popular like healthy foods,  hygienic products, and popular holiday products.  For right now,  they have Valentines day gifts on there.   Under this they have the sponsored links and then links to every department.  I am going to see how well their check out is compared to other sites that we talked about in class that had a good checkout system like Amazon.  I chose to look at clothing to see the color and style options they might have.  Once I got into the clothing,  sidebar menus popped up that showed me categories of clothing, sizes, and price ranges.  Also, something surprising came up.  At the top of the sidebar, there is an option already for delivery.  This included whether to send to store or house.  After you choose ad to cart, it sends you to a page to make sure your item is correct while also showing you things customers also bought.  Once you go through that step, you can’t go any further without making an account.  Even though you can’t go any further,  I can already tell that this is similar to Amazon in many ways.  Like Amazon,  the goal of Walmart’s site is to sell their products.  Walmart also differs from Amazon because Walmart has stores that customers can go to and buy the products too so their site has to reflect that aspect of their store.  Walmart is, like Amazon,  a matrix structure because in the book it says that a matrix is a structure that can get to any point from any point.  I think that this site is very user friendly and is even friendly to elderly people too because Mostly all of the writing is big and in colors that are very easy and appealing to the eyes.  All in all, I think that Walmart has a very good site that is user friendly and has many good features.