Thoughts On Interaction Design: Reading Response

1) What information can ethnographic tools give you to improve the interactivity of an online banking website? (pp. 48-54)

Ethnography is typically a research method that is an alternative to traditional laboratory research. Ethnographers study people, social groups, ethnic populations, etc. through observing, interviewing, survey, and analysis. Ethnography has been integrated into the design process “as a method of understanding people and problems associated with work.” This is exactly the information that the ethnographic tools can give you, problems with work and how to fix them. Through observing people using the banks website, interviewing people about their experience, surveying people’s experience and analyzing all this gathered data, valuable information is gathered about the interactivity. This information would include what aspects of the website are easy to use, which aspects are not, aspects that can be added or removed and much more. Altogether this would show how the website can be improved to make the experience better for the majority of users.

2) At what point is a design finished? What makes it a success? What is its purpose? (pp54-62)

The point in which a design is finished is different for every designer. I feel that a design is finished when the goal the designer has set out to accomplish is complete. This consists of the work being done to a level where the designer is comfortable calling it complete. A successful design is made of up many different things. The design has to meet the needs of the client or whoever this design is for. It needs to have a good concept and ample research used in the process. A design being simple and timeless while meeting its goal will also ensure success. The purpose of a design is to be a visual representation of the concept, research, and goals used in the creation of it. If a design can visually represent these things it will be finished and a success.

3) Identify a product family you use regularly (can be anything from technology to consumables except for coffee). How has its branding effected your use, relationship and experience with the product? (pp. 78-84)

A product family that I use regularly is the Sensodyne family of products. The branding has effected my use by first of all getting me to purchase the product. I have sensitive teeth, so when I see the countless ads about how much these products can help sensitivity, it makes me want to use Sensodyne. This goes to effect my relationship because once I actually have the product, due to the effective branding, I begin to build a relationship with them built off of prolonged use. I think branding has effected my experience with the product by putting this image in my mind that it is really helping my teeth. The sensitivity of my teeth is still an ongoing issue and the toothpaste could be doing little to nothing at all. Regardless of this, all of the ads ensuring a decline in sensitivity make me believe it is doing something and makes want to keep using the product.