Thoughts on Interaction Design Chapters 1-5

Thoughts on Interaction Design Chapters 1 & 2

  1. What makes up interaction design and what are some of the industry’s challenges?
    1. Interaction design originated from web and graphic design, but due to the development of technology and, specifically, the experience of using technology, there has become a need to design for the user’s interaction with a product rather than just the user’s experience. One of the biggest challenges those in interaction design must face is keeping up with the rate of change in technology. People are always expecting the latest change and they are the ones who must deliver it. Other challenges include understanding the workings of the human mind, at least on a basic, psychological level, knowing your specific goals, and who exactly you are designing for.
  2. What is interaction design and how is it evolving? What fields does it draw knowledge from?
    1. Basically, interaction designs purpose is to create a relationship between customers and their products and services. Interaction design started when the first screen was developed. Today, it exists on every surface of computer, cellphone, appliance, and every other technology, whether it is a touch screen or not. Interaction design is evolving more and more to encourage interaction with our environments, not just the tech in our hands. This field draws from a number of other fields including psychology, as mentioned before, computer programming, as well as all stems of design.

Thoughts on Interaction Design Chapters 3, 4 & 5

  1. What information can ethnographic tools give you to improve the interactivity of an online banking website?
    1. Ethnographic tools allow you to thoroughly research and study the people you are aiming to attract. For this specific example, these tools can give you the main demographic of the banks users and who is using the site, which gives you a lot of information on how to design the site, such as how user-friendly it needs to be or what style it should be. If you were to find a higher number of tech-savvy, younger users, the company may be able to get away with a simplistic, straight-forward interaction design, while an older, less knowledgeable group may require the designer to push for a website with more step-by-step instructions.
  2. At what point is a design finished? What makes it a success? What is its purpose?
    1. A design is complete when it reaches all of the designer’s goals as well as evoking the desired response from the user and provides a well-rounded design, both visual and interactive. I would say if it reaches or exceeds expectations that it would be considered a success. Its purpose is to serve those it was designed for while creating a connection between it and its user.
  3. Identify a product family you use regularly (Can be anything from technology to consumables except for coffee). How has its branding effected your use, relationship and experience with the product?
    1. My favorite make-up brand is Nyx Cosmetics. Ironically, my love of it did not begin by happening upon it and trying it on, but from its advertising from famous make-up vloggers and the companies personal advertisements. They frequent most social media sites with images of their make-up in use as well as by using images of those who tag their photos and post that they are using it. Their brand itself is very graphic and aesthetically pleasing which is something you definitely want to see when putting a product on your face. Its packaging makes you feel like you are using an expensive, high-end make-up. This is only one of the factors that drew me to it, though it might not affect all the same.