Thoughts on Interaction Design Chapter 6

I felt this chapter to be one that fascinated me much more than any prior entry, particularly because of its enticing considerations of changing or evolving cultural perspective rather than the standard expectations of the geographically divided cultural perspective. The elements of rapidly evolving local culture are something that has become more commonly recognized than ever in the ever accelerating era of the post-industrial world, likely due to the interconnected technological advancements that are capable of being made on a much larger communication scale. This chapter not only assesses those, bringing a surprisingly dated discussion of children born in the year 1990 and their immersion into technology (something that reads as particularly strange to someone born in the year 2000, born not only into advancements in digital technology, but the very existence of the commercialized world wide web), but also discusses the ethics involved with design that persevere through all design choices. These are frequently described using terms reminiscent of economic study to describe the choices and psychological processes of consumers who would be receiving a product of group-effort artistic design.