Thoughts on Interaction design Ch. 3 4 & 5

Ethnographic tool are research tools like observation, interview, survey and analysis that help you to learn more about certain cultures.  By using these tools you can get information to and for your customers or users in a way that they understand and that is relevant to their cultural ways.  This is a good way to satisfy your customer and get them to return to you or your business.

Designs can be finished at different point depending on the designer and his or her point of view on the design.  Some people think that as soon as someone has tested the ensign and it works for what it is said to then the design is finished.  Others think that its just as soon as the design is able to meet the goals and objectives set forth for it then it is done.  some designers believe that a design is never really done.  They think that it can always be improved upon.  In my opinion, a design is a success if it meets the criteria set forth for it and does so in a way that is easy for the user and is user friendly.  The purpose of a design can come in many forms, but it is simply put as what the intended objective of the product is supposed to be.

I think that Apple products have influenced my life in many ways just since coming to college.  I didn’t get my first smart phone until the end of me senior year of high school.  Also, I didn’t really do much of anything besides basic phone things for the first six months or so.  When I was looking at laptops for college I learned that I needed a mac with as much RAM and memory as I could afford.  Since I got my computer, I started using my phone a lot more as well because the programs and applications as all so similar and run the same from machine to machine.  I love the easy usability of Apple products and how easily you can catch on to them.  Now as I am looking to get a new phone,  I don’t even want to look at anything else.  I don’t want to have to learn to use a new phone and since IPhones are all so similar, I don’t have to worry about that with a newer IPhone.  This is why Apple is my new technology of choice.