11 Replies to “The Perfect Procrastinated Gamer”

  1. the rules were followed. I would have added dialogue or more shots other than just the same one. I also wish the audio was muted in the background so I couldn’t hear your voices. Otherwise good work.

  2. Whose Film: Mike
    Were the rules for the obstruction followed effectively?
    – indoor, zoom transitions, no holding the phone
    What was your favorite part of the video?
    – The talking was a good add-in.
    What would you re: edit, shoot, etc.?
    – I would make the transitions more meaningful
    Was the video paced well? Did any parts feel too long or too short?
    – definitely felt long because of the single shot.

  3. Whose film Mike
    Were the rules for the obstruction followed effectively?

    What was your favorite part of the video?
    The Music

    What would you re: edit, shoot, etc?
    Would definitely put text and or voiceover with it

    Was the video paced well? Did any parts feel too long or too short?
    I personally don’t think the pace was good, kind of dragged with it being all the same shot for 3 minutes

  4. Were the rules for the obstruction followed effectively?
    – Yes
    What was your favorite part of the video?
    – The music
    What would you re: edit, shoot, etc.?
    – You can’t hear what they are saying
    Was the video paced well? Did any parts feel too long or too short?
    – Nothing happened, it was just one long recording

  5. The rules were followed. I like that it’s a repetition of her drinking the pop. I wish there was more to it, or we could see what she was doing in the game. The music doesn’t fit with the video. I think the video was paced okay. Her not doing much tends to make the video seem long.

  6. Did the obstructions. Music got very repetitive though. Adding some dialogue or some specific action might’ve made it more interesting. I did like it using the gamer but different perspectives or something of that person would’ve enhanced it.

  7. 1) Rules were followed
    2) Music was good
    3) Would have had more angles and emotions
    4) Video was a little long with the one shot

  8. The rules were followed efficiently. My favorite part was the mouse sound effects. I would reshoot in different locations maybe or make it be able to hear the person talk clearer. The video was kind of confusing pace wise but the length was good.

  9. The music set the tone for comedy. I feel like the humorous aspect of this could’ve been further explored.

    I would’ve liked to see different scenes, movements, text, or dialogue in order to be convinced that this was an interpretation of “The Perfect Human.”

    It would’ve been interesting to explore them procrastinating homework or something. It would’ve added depth.

    The pace felt long– there was only shot.

    Great job!

  10. Were the rules of the obstruction followed effectively?

    – I think they were followed well! The phone sitting on the table was a neat approach to not being able to hold the phone

    What was your favorite part of the video?

    – As the video goes on, we can tell the person is procrastinating

    What would you reshoot, reedit, etc.?

    – Maybe add some different shots, or add a voiceover

    Was the video well paced? Did any parts feel too long or short?

    – The entire video felt a little long, due to the lack of different shots or changing anything

  11. -The rules were followed decently
    -I liked watching what the girl was playing. I can recognize that game and it looked interesting to watch.
    -If there is anything I could remove, it would be hearing people talk during the shots.
    -I think that the video was paced okay, but there was only one long continuous shot, maybe a transition into different shots would make the pacing better

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