Terms and Conditions May Apply (Bonus)

In today’s world, there are so many times that we have an agreement to sign.  This can range anywhere from iTunes, Facebook, Amazon, and even for things like buying a house or car.  With agreements coming up so often in our lives, half the time we don’t even care to read what it says.  We think it will never affect us anyway.  We are wrong to think it will never affect us.  It could be affecting us right now and we not even realize it.  There could be someone out there going through every purchase we made or every single letter we typed on our phone.  Does this sound like privacy to you? We have a serious privacy problem on our hands and if we don’t do something about it soon, it will be too late to ever turn back.  We have things like the Patriot Act that gives the government permission to seize information to try to fight against terrorism.  Although this can be seen as a good thing to some people, it is clearly not a good thing.  This is just like the situation Apple is facing right now.  They have to face the fact that if they give up information to try to help the FBI out, they could lose a lot of their customers because their customers wouldn’t feel safe anymore with Apple having all their information.  This isn’t the only thing that Apple is facing.  If Apple gives in to the FBI that will cause an avalanche of other companies that think it is okay to share your private information just because Apple did.  A few years ago, Facebook started changing its privacy policies to start publicly sharing your private information without the users knowing.  By 2010, everything but your contact information and your birthday were shared publicly to everyone.  That is a complete violation of our rights and privacy as American citizens.   In this movie, they made a great point about deleting things that I had never even thought of before.  They said that when you delete something that was out on the internet,  It only deletes it from you being able to see that it is out there.  It is still sitting somewhere, probably in Utah, in some data warehouse just waiting till the day it can be used or sold.  This is not comforting to me at all.  I know there are sometimes when I accidentally delete something and would love to get it back, but if I am trying to delete something of of the  internet that I don’t deem worthy to be out their in reference to me, I want it gone for good! The NSA has been looking at our information for years and none of us even knew about it or would have ever known about it until the people came out and told us or we got a knock on our door.  This scares me a little.  We could be just like that little boy who was just trying to look out for the president and wined up getting a visit from the secret service instead.  That probably crushed that little kid.  He was just trying to be nice and then he gets interrogated and accused of something he never would have even thought of in a million years.  The privacy standards in our society are well below the acceptable level and its just going to get worse from here unless somebody steps up and does something.  Privacy will remain dead unless the behavior tendencies of the intelligence agencies that collect all this data change.  Just like the guy in the movie said, we hop in one CM at a time thence look back and we are sinking with no way out.  If we don’t change soon, there will be no way out and our privacy will be completely compromised.