Mismatch Rules


Short Game: Pull 13 cards (one each from 2-A) from each deck and shuffle them together to make a deck of 52 cards. Set the remaining cards aside. Split the deck evenly between the players.

Long Game: Shuffle the four decks together into one large deck, then split evenly among players.


Be the last person with cards.

Actions the players take

Two players at a time flip over and reveal the top card on their deck. The highest card value wins all the cards in the round. The captured cards are set aside to be reshuffled into the deck when all current cards in the deck run out. Play will rotate one space per round. For example in a game with 3 players: the first round would be Player 1 vs. Player 2; the second round would be Player 2 vs. Player 3, the third round would be Player 3 vs Player 1, and so on.

Card value = number value + color bonus

Number value: 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8, 9=9, Jack=10, Queen=11, King=12, Ace=13

Color Bonus: Red (+1) -> Blue (+1) -> Yellow (+1) -> Green (+1) -> Red

If there is a tie in card value, players will reveal two cards that are now part of the prize pot, and the final tie-breaking card. Whoever wins the tie-breaker wins all of the cards from that round.

Ending the game

If you run out of cards, you are out of the game. Only the person with cards remaining is the winner.


Round 1. Player 1 vs. Player 2. Player 1 revealed a blue 8. Player 2 revealed a red eight.
Value of player 1’s card: 8. Value of player 2’s card: 8+1 (color bonus)=9. Player 2 wins the round.
Round 2. Player 2 vs. Player 3. Player 2 revealed a blue Queen. Player 3 revealed a yellow Ace.
Value of player 2’s card: 11+1 (color bonus)=12. Value of player 3’s card: 13. Player 3 wins the round.
Round 3. Player 3 vs. Player 4. Player 3 revealed a red 4. Value: 4. Player 4 revealed a green 3. Value: 3+1 (color bonus) = 4. Tie case.
Blue 6, red Ace, red King, yellow 2 revealed as part of prize pot.
Player 3 revealed a yellow 7. Value: 7. Player 4 revealed a blue 8. Value: 8+1 (color bonus)=9
All cards from the round go to Player 4.