Games for Change

Don’t Diss My Ability: Starting at one point on campus, you have to get to a different predetermined destination on campus via certain paths. Each path has both a point value and a time value. You are trying to get to your destination in the least amount of time while maximizing your point value. These values change depending on what disability you have. The types of disabilities would be deafness (cannot go on any of the sidewalks by the roads, must communicate via ASL), ADHD (time values increase when you encounter friends, easily distracted to take the ‘wrong’ path), and mobility issues. Mobility issues would be split into two subcategories: canes and wheelchairs. Cane users can go up/down up to 5 steps before their time increases a lot (due to pain slowing you down). Wheelchair users can not do stairs at all.

Game 2: All players get a pair of noise cancelling headphones making everyone essentially deaf. Working together as a team, you have to solve a puzzle. As you cannot hear other people, you must use a combo of gestures/signed language to solve the puzzle. This would raise awareness of deafness, difficulties faced, and the lack of ASL teaching in American school systems.

Game 3: You are a villager in a village located at the bend of a once pristine river. The river has become polluted through the addition of a factory on the other side of the river. Your food, work, and life have been severely stunted. You must sneak into the factory each night to try to do as much damage to the factory operations before you must be back in the village in the morning. This is a commentary on pollution, climate change, and corporate greed.

Endless Game Ideas

Game 1: You are a lowly worker bee in a hive trying to get to the queen. You must go out each day and collect a certain quota of pollen to fill your honey meter while avoiding obstacles. When you have filled your honey meter, you move up in the social order of the hive. When you have gotten to be the queen of the hive, you lay eggs from which you are born and must complete the cycle again. Each time you complete the bee cycle, you get a small upgrade to make it easier to avoid obstacles.

Game 2: A sort of frogger type game where you are an RMU student who must go across a non-ending map of campus trying to get class credits and snacks from Romo’s while avoiding teachers, parking tickets, tour groups, and failing grades.

Game 3: Does War count as an endless game? Can I use my War(+colors) game from last semester as an endless game? It took bloody ages and we eventually abandoned it.

Game 4: You are a regular person going through your regular life, but you are obsessed with doing your laundry. You must put your clothes in the hamper at the end of every day, get your dirty clothes in the washer after every week, put them in the dryer after a certain amount of time, take them out, fold them and put them away to have more clothes to wear. While you are obsessed with doing your laundry, your neighbors are obsessed with stopping you from doing your laundry.

Game 5: A scrolling platform game where you are a secret vigilante at the library who must collect the books people are returning and put them back on the shelf in the right spots while avoiding the corrupt librarians who want to put books back incorrectly (and therefore shut down the library).