Such Little Effort by Brandon Kreiser

In the book  “Don’t Make Me Think” Steve Krug discusses the principles of web page navigation really nicely.  He goes on to compare the process of navigating a web page to navigating through a store. While browsing any number of web sites I’ve never stopped and realized how similar the two processes are. When shopping the consumer uses signs to find the right department, isle, and product. A well constructed web page operates in much the same way. I recently reviewed and compared two sites: and These two web pages are very nicely designed as they are both easy to use. I personally liked the site more than for a number of reasons.

Firstly when entering a web page it is key for the homepage to snag the user and keep them from leaving. If the homepage suffers in functionality or ease-of-use the user will quickly hit the back button.’s homepage lacked in its visual appearance due to the poor photos that are right in the middle of the homepage. The site has three large, tacky, and poorly light photos that give the user a sense of the restaurants informality and a lack of self respect. Other than having poor photo elements, the site is nicely balanced and all pages are brought together nicely. The pages are all properly tagged and framed to avoid user confusion. The pages emphasis on the page also left a lot to be desired. I didn’t get a good sense of where the homepage was trying to direct me. Should I check out the menu, or click on the directions button? is my favorite site because of how simple it is for me to navigate through the sites pages. The navigation bar on the right side gives me a firm idea of where I am located within the site. The web page also has a very nice visual element, the photos and graphic design is sleek and professional. Photos of the food looks elegant and intriguing, making the user want more eye candy. Information about the restaurant is well organized and easy to access. The site has complete unity as the side navigation bar locks all the pages together. This site simply has a very nice and easy to use layout. The reason I feel that is nicer than is due to how little thinking I had to do while using the site. It felt like an effortless experience to me, which will bring me back to the site.