Strategy & Scope

Madison Kozlowski

ARTM2220 Project 1a – Strategy & Scope

The product that my team came up with last week is a high-tech luxury shower that bathes you, washes your hair, dries you off and does all other shower activities while you relax. Along with the basic protocol of showering, our invention is voice activated, allowing users to turn on music, adjust water temperature and give the shower specific commands. Along with this, the shower can also be a sauna. Our product is highly customizable and extremely efficient. As a start-up, we are marketing our product to high-income individuals who are willing to complete major renovations in their bathrooms and take part in a technological revolution.

By creating a mobile website for our product, my teammates and I are will accomplish three main goals: educate the world about our shower, promote and persuade people to make an inquiry and sell our showers to as many individuals as possible. While creating our company goals for the website we also explored what users of our website would want and need as well. Investigating this is very crucial in developing a website for such an innovative and shockingly futuristic product. As a user visiting our site, an information page is essential. A page that explains exactly what our product is, using precise details and leaving the user with no questions. A user also wants to know a price. Being that our product is customizable, one must call for a quote in order to know a personalized price. However, we need a step by step process explaining how quotes are determined and explain that a contractor would have to come and measure your bathroom. Along with this, we will provide a price range based on some specific shower dimensions as a guide. Again, it is important that all content on the site is extremely clear and leaves the user with no unanswered questions. Another goal of the site would be to establish our brand identity. Our product is luxurious, innovative and cutting edge. Portraying these values is also a goal of the site.

To determine the scope, we used our goals as a guide. As a company we wanted to educate users about our shower, promote and persuade people that they won’t be disappointed with our shower and finally to make sales.  In order for us to sell our product, we are going to provide a specialists number that can be contacted and also a list of distributors that can be contacted. With this, potential customers will be able to provide us with their basic information including their name, address, email address, age ect. allowing us to put them on file and provide them with information. Another asset that will promote selling is to provide a “Find a Location Near You” feature. By simply entering a zip code, the users nearest distributor will be shown.

Another goal for the site is to educate our users. A simplistic way to do this is to create an information video that includes the details about our product, how to use it, images of our product, before and after pictures and quotes from the many celebrities who have converted to our showers. Along with this, like I mentioned above, we will have an informational page where users can read more about our shower.

The video explained above also helps achieve our last goal: to promote our product. With this, we are going to display many customer reviews and user experience stories. Anyone is free to write a review. We have many stories from celebrities that we are eager to share on our website – in hopes that celebrity influence may increase sales. We also are planning on implementing a 3D customization page that can be used to give a customer the freedom to choose size, features and how they want the shower to look.

To accomplish the look of innovation, we will use a blue, black and silver color scheme and simple type.

Overall, we want this site to be clear and informational. We want users to leave the site with substantial knowledge about and interest in our luxury shower. If people exit the site with these two things, we will make an impact in the bathroom industry and produce valuable sales.