Strategy and Scope Narratives

Strategy and Scope Narratives


Jerome is abruptly stopped on his morning commute when he realizes he is lacking gasoline. Annoyed, he rolls his eyes. If only his car could’ve reminded him to get gas yesterday. Now he has to go out of his way to stop at a gas station. The only one he can think of on his regular commute is expensive and not the best, but it’ll have to do. Pulling into the station, Jerome realizes only one pump takes cards. Checking his wallet, there’s only one dollar bill… not enough, so he’s forced to use his card. Parking at the pump, the screen prompts him for a rewards card. Checking his wallet he realizes he left it at home, he has so many of those cards that they don’t fit in his wallet so he takes them out. Cursing at himself, he realizes he’s not going to be saving money on gas today. Now sufficiently annoyed and just trying to get gas quickly, he enters his card into the card reader but it’s not taking it. Aggravated at the station, Jerome is forced to go inside to pay. His spirits sink lower as he sees the terribly long line. Without his coffee, he doesn’t want to deal with anyone let alone a long line of people and an incompetent cashier. It’s taking terribly long and Jerome is going to be late for work. Playing on his phone while waiting in line, Jerome wishes there was an app to solve all of his problems.



Thankfully for Jerome, we’ve created an app that will save all of his problems! Here’s how his life would’ve been with our app: While walking out of work, Jerome checks his phone to see a notification from our app, he’s low on gas and should fill up before work tomorrow. He opens the app and checks to see which station on his route is the cheapest, a Sheetz just a couple blocks away has good prices so he decides to go there. Entering in his prepay information and selecting his Sheetz reward card option on the app, he’s ready to go. Pulling up to a pump, he enters in a code and verifies it on the app, the prepay option saves him from having to pull out any cards. After he’s done filling his tank, he slides into the driver’s seat and receives two notifications from the app. The first prompts him to put back on his gas cap, he must have forgotten. Fixing his error, he checks the other notification which tells him that he’s earned $2.00 in rewards on the app and he has enough Sheetz points to get a free hot dog. Jerome moves his car away from the pump and parks in front of Sheetz, entering to order his free food. When asked for his Sheetz card, he’s able to pull up everything on our app making his wallet lighter and life happier. Jerome pulls out of Sheetz, munching on his hot dog and happy that he won’t have to deal with getting gas in the morning.