7 Replies to “Spencer: 3D Studio Final”

  1. For you’re flexus box, I enjoyed the addition of spilled apple jacks and the element it gave your piece as far as presentation. If I were to give any advice on how to ‘refine’ it, I would say I would have enjoyed some more design to the box itself. Maybe you could have added a wallpaper design or collage of your favorite cereals and video games or something that brings your piece together and gives it a better ‘look’. I really liked the ideas you brought to it because I thought of similar things, but adding something to mask that default cardboard look could have been a nice addition.

  2. I like that your fluxus box tells a story about you! It shows what you like to do during quarantine. I like that it gives everyone a glimpse into your life right now.
    I like how the picture of the hand shows how it moves. Since we can’t actually see it in person, that’s really helpful to see.
    I think the aspect of your projects that best reflect the current situation are the objects inside the box. It shows music, video games, a remote, headphones, and a snack. To me, that is basically what I imagine most people’s quarantine to look like. So it does a really good job of depicting that.

  3. I think it’s pleasing that you have the fingers scaled up from what a regular hand looks like, unlike some things that represent hands where the fingers are closer to the same length. I can’t exactly remember what your box is, if you said it before but this is giving off an almost minimalistic gamer type of feel.

  4. The concept of an additional hand seems very useful, I like it. I also like how you almost show how the hand would work with you curling your fingers, very nice demonstration of how they’d work. The box honestly reminds me of how I’ve been spending most of my days.

  5. How well the appendage enhances the wearers experience during our current pandemic?
    It could give someone a better grip of items while removing the direct contact part, therefore making it healthy and safe.

    Which visual elements standout? Which would benefit from further refinement?
    I think the appendage is very neat and has a very clean design. I would personally improve on the fluxus box design to make it more visually appealing.

    What aspects of each project best reflect the maker or best reflect our current situation?
    The fluxus box shows how we all are looking to other forms of entertainment, ex. tv and video games to occupy us during quarantine. It also shows what hobbies he is interested in.

  6. The construction of your hand is really intricate and cool! I think you did a unique take on the fluxus box and it really tells a lot about you as a person and life during quarantine.

    The design of the hand really stands out to me and is my favorite part of your project!

  7. Thank you all for your wonderful feedback. I love your take on the box and hand projects. If I ever need to create these again, I will make sure I refine them the way you suggested.

    Take care!


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