Site Review 2 – Joseph Espinoza

For my second site review I went with the website Redis.Agency: I. chose this website as it was the most unique website that I have ever seen. With the creative usage of color where there are only 4 colors, red, white, black, and green. Using black as the background and using the color red a few times, giving it more emphasis when present. The color white is used on the type and the color green is used around the border of the page, giving it a sense of contrast from the red. One thing I found very interesting about the page was the concept of infinitely scrolling down or up, the page is set up to never have an end or beginning as it keeps going in a loop. It was very confusing at first as it looked like the content was repeating until I hit realization that it was a loop after scrolling for a few minutes. I think the website was done very well and the concept of scrolling for ever is unique, however it would be nice to know that it is scrolling in a loop as it can be confusing at first. Another thing that the website did well was the usage of simplicity as the background is pure black and the text being in the center and being the color white really makes the text pop and show importance as it create contrast.