
Lyrics vs Mankind Rules



There is no limit as to how many people can play.

We recommend 6-8 players for the ultimate party.




To start the game, each player takes a white board and marker.


The oldest player begins as the Lyric God by choosing a card from either the

Hip Hop, Pop, Rock, or Oldies pile and reading the lyric out loud.


Everyone else will create the next line of the song by writing it on their white board and placing it face down in front of the Lyric God.


Gently shuffle the whiteboards. The Lyric God will then read the Lyric Card following by the whiteboards out loud. For the full effect, the Lyric God should re-read the Lyric Card before presenting each whiteboard answer. The Lyric God will then choose the best answer and whoever submitted it gets one Rocker Point and collects the Lyric Card.


After the round, the player to the left of the initial Lyric God becomes the new Lyric God and will play a new Lyric Card.




Red Zone Rules


2 Players




To begin, the youngest player will call out a color (black or white) and they will be subject to those squares. Both players will choose five pawns and line them up at their end of the board on their color.


Player 1 will roll Dice 1 providing a number one through six, following by Dice 2 providing Left, Right, Up, Down, Stop, or A Star (L, R, U, D, S,    ). If the player rolls and 2 and a R, they will move right 2. If they roll a S, they do not get to move that turn. If they roll a 3 and a    , they can move 3 in the direction of their choice.


The goal for each player is to get to the opposite end of the board without passing over their opponents pawn. If the dice requires that you move Up 2 and that requires you to pass over your opponents pawn, that pawn is eliminated.


Players must get all 5 pawns to the opposite end of the board without landing in the Red Zone. The Red Zone is obtained by all 4 corners.

The player with the most pawns at the opposite end wins.