
I chose the to review this site This site is a single page. It scrolls from top to bottom with wonderful design and cleanliness. In the beginning, they have put the company logo in the middle with light phrases in black and turquoise and the in the left side there are the social media connection as Facebook, Twitter, etc. To make it easier for the researcher to see. On the right, there is a short video that explains the company’s work, the shape is beautiful and smooth and appropriate for the page. There beside the simple video texture and light to the eye, colors and comfortable to the eye also. The page white and turquoise, good use of white space there are some lines in the back.

When you go to the bottom of a rapid move, it shows you a beautiful illustration with perfect color choice. There is some writing for the definition of the company when you press the button, “find out why” page is smooth appear not to cause inconvenience.

Go down again, a blank page and a light show. With some designer lines and used some of the shapes in the background to give a kind of dimension and three-dimensional shape of the bottom. There is a circle within a quick video about cars to show the speed of service using the technology to give a quick overview of the company and its service there is also a button “Watch the film” to show exactly about the company and what they are.

The part that after that, the background and the beautiful light displays some pictures, press the button “View the work” to introduce the company’s business profile and What is its vision and where you derive their impact through logo etc.

The last part of the page, the white page appears with some forms of weaving back and there is a nice, well done illustration. There footer beneath the company’s website, design and shows jobs to help faster when searching.

In general, clean the site and designed concatenate it easier for everyone to see. A good choice for that bright color, you do not feel upset when the page scans. There is useful information for the company and what you want quickly. Good use of the line is clear. Simple and beautiful page.