Review on Lauren’s Game

What was the most fruatrating moment or aspect of what you just played? I wouldn’t say that this game was necessarily frustrating but moreless it was nerve racking because you had to think about what cards other players had in their hand before you put a card down.

What was your favorite moment or aspect of what you just played? I liked how it was a rather simple game to learn, it was still hard to win. For the most part the card you needed, is in another players hand or it got put down when you couldn’t pick it up. Then you had to wait for that card to come back around again.

Was there anything you wanted to do that you couldn’t? I wish there was a way to sabatoge the other players cards.

If you has a magic wand to wave, and you could change, add, or remove anything from the experience, what would it be? I think I would have just one joker in the deck instead of two.

What should be improved with the next version?  Removing one of the jokers and adding a form of sabatoge between the players.

Descibe the game in 3 words?  challenging, strategy, fun

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