Review on Colin’s Art Game

What was the most fruatrating moment or aspect of what you just played? The game wasn’t frustrating all.

What was your favorite moment or aspect of what you just played? I loved how the game fit in the setting, you got to walk around and talk to people. However, you had to be minful of where those whom you were playing with were.

Was there anything you wanted to do that you couldn’t? I wanted more time to be able to accuse the theif, two minutes went really fast during the debate.

If you has a magic wand to wave, and you could change, add, or remove anything from the experience, what would it be?  I would add more art pieces (decks of cards) per round or allow them to be moved each round so it’s not at easy to rember where the cards are.

What should be improved with the next version? Adding more time to debate who the theif is, and adding a few more decks of cards, whether that is per round or overall.

Descibe the game in 3 words? Interactive, mysterious, fun

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