Review on Catan

Was it fun? Yes, Catan was very fun

What were the player interactions? Player had to swap cards, and steal cards from one another in hopes to build their road or build a city or settlement. There also was a chance of “sabatoge” in this game, when the knight is activated (when a 7 is rolled) the roller of the dice gets to choose what space to freeze and the owner can’t gaim any resources from that space until another “7” is rolled.

How long did it take to learn? The game overall didn’t take very long to learn.

Would you play it again? Most Certainly, I have even thought about buying this game personally. It is something about games that have the perfect combination of competive game, building and sabatoge that have my attention.

Analyze the game using the 3 act structure.

Act 1– Setting up the game. It was a new game so everything had to be taken out the package and the pieces had to be taken apart. Then it was the matter of figuring out how all these pieces needed set up. We each had to choose a color and take our two road and two settlement pieces and place them where we wanted on the board.

Act 2– Gaining resources each time the dice was rolled if it laned on a number that you have build a settlement or a city on. Then using those resources to buy roads, settlements, discover cards and cities.

Act 3- When we started to gain points and get close to 10 buy buying settlements and upgrading to cities.

What are the collaborative and or competitive aspects of the game? There is some collaberation but it is not for team benefits but rather it is for your own. You can steal cards from other players or trade for another resource. This game can get competive due to the knight (when a 7 is rolled) the player that the “7” can choose to freeze a number that another player has built on. This will prevent that player from gaining any resources when that number is rolled until another “7” is rolled.

What is the game’s metaphor and which of the game’s mechanics standout? I am not sure as what the games metaphor would be. However, having “the knight” stood out to me because it allows the game to have some “sabatoge”, and allows for the players that are behind to catch up.

4 Replies to “Review on Catan”

  1. I love Catan! Although I remember it taking a while to learn the first time I played it. Could have just been because I was in elementary school, though.

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