Review 4-Stacey Capp

For review 4 I chose to compare my fusion restaurant’s website to Dunkin’ Donuts. For the final project, my team and I decided that we would create a donut fusion restaurant that would offer savory or sweet sandwiches that would sit between a donut. Being that Dunkin’ Donuts is a huge name, especially for donuts, I feel that this business could be competition for our restaurant, The O Zone.

Dunkin’ Donuts is a very well known and loved establishment throughout our country and for that reason I feel that they will be The O Zone’s biggest competition in donut selling. The website for Dunkin’ is very messy in my opinion. There are a lot of bright colors going on and content randomly placed on the pages. There is a lot of text also present, which makes it hard for me to locate what I intended to. However, the navigation is fairly simple since they have a navigation bar located at the top of the page with links to different things such as: drinks, food, and so forth. When I clicked on “Hot beverages,” I was lead to another page with pictures of their different offerings and the names of each product beneath. I found this aspect of the site to be successful because I certainly didn’t have to do any thinking. As far as texture goes, there isn’t much present other than a few gradients on keys and navigation bars. I don’t think the lack of texture takes away from this site, but the messy layout and highly saturated colors don’t do it much justice. In all, the site is decently put together, but it is not the most aesthetically pleasing design that I have seen.

For The O Zone, my group and I decided that our website will be a single page site that can be navigated simply with a constant key. Upon entering the page, our logo will be at the top center of the homepage with our location on both sides, and a key to navigate the content of the website beneath it. The key has clickable buttons that will take the viewer directly to what they are looking for. For example, we will have a button that says “The Menu.” Once clicked, the page will scroll directly to the menu portion of the site. This concept goes for the rest of the content on our site. When our viewers want to change content or go to another section of the website, they can do this easily with a navigation bar that moves with the page and sits at the top always. We felt that this technique would make our website as user friendly as possible and allow our viewers to never have to think. The background color of the website is black. The content of the page will live in a margin that is more narrow than the page as whole and will have a grey background color. The accent colors of The O Zone are comprised of dull and saturated hues of purple, pink, and tan. To create a well flowing page, we decided each heading will be the same color, bright pink-orange, and our body text will be a dull tan. Instead of having photographs to present our products, we decided we would create our own illustrations for our unique products. This idea allows for the viewer to have an idea of what they can expect to get at the restaurant, while still leaving some mystery and fun for their visit. Like Dunkin’ Donuts, texture will not be a prominent part of our website. The O Zone is a chic and modern establishment and giving our site a flat look compliments the concept. In all, our fusion restaurant will stand out against Dunkin’ Donuts because: we have many products you cannot get at Dunkin’ or anywhere else for that matter and our website is trendy while still being user friendly and easy to navigate through.