Review #4: Restaurant Comparison

A possible contender for our restaurant, The Woking Taco, is Over the Bar Bicycle Cafe. Over the Bar Bicycle Cafe is located in Southside in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  This restaurant is competition for The Woking Taco because it is in the same general location. Also, the two restaurants have have similar brand qualities when it comes to appeal, audience, and overall tone as they are a more edgy/quirky themed restaurant with a unique name.


For Over the Bar Bicycle Cafe’s website, it is quite simple. It is a one page site with very little information offered at first glance. There are links to the different menus that they offer and a link to apply for a position. They have a link for directions and to their social media accounts. This layout makes navigation tricky. This page feel less engaging and harder to locate the information/answer that you are seeking; it takes a bit more digging. The colors are consistent on the homepage. The darker colors with the bright green adds a fun element to it but keeps it clean. The background, wooden panels with drawings of bicycle/sports related logos, adds a bit of texture to the page. All of these elements, however, are lost when you click on the menu links. The theme is not as strongly represented on the other pages, which causes some disconnect when switching from homepage to linked menus.
When comparing Over the Bar Bicycle Cafe’s website to our site for The Woking Taco, it is clear that The Woking Taco is more cohesive across all pages of the site. The Woking Taco’s website is consistent in overall design with special regards to color and layout. The links and the information that they hold are easily navigated. This is the most important aspect of our site for The Woking Taco that stands out against the website for Over the Bar Bicycle Cafe. This is because a user is more likely to stay on a sight when it is extremely easy for them to find what they are looking for. Not only does the Woking Taco offer easy navigation on our website, it also offers a pleasing and sensible design and layout for a restaurant. Having the colors cohesive throughout all links within the website will stand out against our competition’s websites.