Review 4

For this review I decided to review the Ihop’s website. My fashion restaurant serves breakfast food just like Ihop. When deciding on pricing I used Ihop the help decide on prices. Ihop’s website is very easily navigated. On their homepage you can easily either click on one of the tabs on the menu bar or you can scroll through the site and click on something. It had plenty of pictures and popping colors to catch the eye as well. One thing I noticed at the top near the menu bar the location closest to you shows up. I thought this was pretty cool because instantly you can know where the nearest one closet to you is. You can also click on it to get more information about it and directions. When on the website it is very easy for the user to know where they need to go to figure out whatever they were looking for when coming to this site. When my group designed our webpage we looked at Ihop’s to try to get an idea of what we needed to do. Our homepage is definitely different than theirs. On our homepage you don’t scroll up and down as much. We nine squares that when you click on them it navigates you to where you need to go. Then we have a tool bar that can help bring you elsewhere. Also Ihop has a pretty general background with coloring popping in the text and pictures. Our website all around is colorful and popping. Each of the nine pages has their own assigned colors but have the same general theme to help keep the website consistent but also different.