Review 4

The websites I choose to compare to my group’s final website was Pizza Masters. I think many people will agree with me when I say that Pizza Masters is an effective and yet very simple non-appealing website. Pizza Masters layout felt empty and yet cluttered. There was a lot of negative space. Their logo was off to the left side of the page itself. They didn’t use the entire space for the layout of the menu. It kind of looks like they clumped everything together. I didn’t really like the colors used in Pizza Masters’s website. The fixed burgundy background color was somewhat appealing because it’s such an uncommon color to use as a background. However, the text being in different colors really didn’t work with grabbing the viewer’s attention. The website also used different fonts so the text was unified. The menu itself felt light and pretty normal mainly because of the white background behind the text. But it also felt clumped together because of how close the boxes of content were to each other. Navigation wise, it was pretty simple. There was nothing really special about it. There’s no way someone could get lost looking for what they needed when surfing Pizza Masters’s website. But I just wish the website would have pictures or something to give it the “umpth” so it would have some visual appeal.

My suggestion of how my group’s website will stand out will be by the simple yet elegant feeling you get when you visit the page. Our colors aren’t really uplifting but they’re not dull either. Our colors consist of black, white, green, and red. Now they don’t really grab the viewer’s attention but you also can’t get lost or feel cluttered when you’re scrolling on our website. Our text is all one font and very readable. The menu itself will have a clear section for salad, appetizers, and pizza. Another way I think our website will stand out is by our pictures. I mean, people want to see a picture of what they could potentially be eating! And we have some amazing pictures of the food, appetizers and drinks. Our use of navigation is pretty simple too. So there’s no way someone could get lost or confused while trying to find something on our page. In my opinion, I would say our website, ZA’ PIZZA, will stand out more by just being more visually appealing. And being as though this website is for a restaurant, visual appeal should have been the main focus when creating the website itself. The website for restaurants reflect how the food would look and how the place itself would look. It’s the complete opposite with Pizza Masters. Pizza Masters lacks visual appeal and harmony.