Review 4

Our restaurant is called The Breakfast Swirl because it is a combination of all foods served on a breakfast menu. I found a restaurant that would compete with ours called The Funky Brunch Cafe. The Funky Brunch Cafe has a fun menu much like ours. They have an orange, green, and tan color scheme throughout the entire website. As it says in the reading, orange is a very active and energetic color which works perfectly in a breakfast restaurant setting. Green symbolizes growth, freshness, and hope, which is also a great color choice for the early birds. The Funky Brunch Cafe’s logo makes me feel sticky because of the words drawn in syrup but that too gives off a successful breakfast feel to the site. On the home page background lies a stack of pancakes. The home page is extremely simple yet gets the point across. The navigation is quite simple as well. The navigation is located at the top of the page and to the right of the logo. Once you click on a nav. button, the word lights up bright green. The Funky Brunch Cafe would be great competition for our restaurant because our main focus is offering customers a unique experience. I would like to see the prices of the menu items on their site. I also would like to see the greens that they use for the logo and the nav buttons be the same color green. The Breakfast Swirl will stand out because our buttons are a little different than most restaurants with the simple word as a button. Our site is just as simple layout wise. The Funky Brunch Cafe has a multi page menu and ours is only one page of everything our resaurant has to offer. I’d prefer to see everything on one page just to make it easier on the eyes. Our home page will definitely stand out because of the images that will be in constant rotation. Our navigation buttons look like actual round buttons which is rare. Both The Funky Brunch Cafe and The Breakfast Swirl are simple layouts but that’s what breakfast is all about. I think both websites are competitive and successful.