Review #2

On the site called Echo at, the concept that they pushed out to the general audience is very intriguing at first, but it can be very hard on the eyes for some or almost all viewers. First things first, the site starts off with the word ECHO in bold lettering but the texture is thin stripes running down from left to right through the text. The text itself is a light grey color that is put in that color only to showcase its idea behind the website which I will explain later on. It throws me off a bit not only with the stripes, but it is very hard on me to read such a contrasting color with a bunch of stripes running through the page. I get their idea behind it, but it creates such a distraction to the site that could potentially turn away clients/consumers.

Their website has a “switch” widget on the upper left hand side that turns the texture from black stripes with a white background, into white stripes with a black background. This idea is what they called their “switch-on” implementation of making an impact on the layout. The next page while scrolling down switches the text ECHO into diagonal type, which is very interesting in my opinion, then later on breaks off the lettering each time you scroll down.

Now the site’s design is very simple and basically bold with black and white textures and formed layout, but overall it connects in such a way that it flows directly from top to bottom without any contortion through navigation, layout, or scrolling sequences.It’s grid, although some images and text overflows through one another at times, is in a proper format and doesn’t throw off the set details behind the sites idea and design.

Overall, the grid used in the website’s design may be simplistic to a degree, but it controls it’s own layout and the colors and textures are primarily created through implementation of black and white. Although the colors may be simple, it all comes down to how the website portrays it’s usage to the colors.