Review 2

The single page website I chose to review was called How To Design A Delightful Experience. This website has a simple structure scrolling down the page to each part of the website. The purpose of this web site was to explain how to make a simple design through the three layers of pleasure, flow, and meaning. This website has a few animated designs such as the top of the page having a hand pointing down bouncing up and down. Again, something simple to express the point of this website. There is also a menu button by a hamburger looking design on the top left as you scroll down. When you click on it, it gives you shortcut tabs to the different layers.

What really stands out about this website is the use of color. Each layer has a different color. Pleasure is green because that section seems to be the more important information needed to be known. When I see green, I think of nature and exploring, which makes sense for an attention grabbing color for a web site because you are exploring it. The color white is used throughout the site as well, for the most part in the sections where examples for each layer are shared. Flow has the color pink because pink has an energetic positive feel and the point of flow in design is for being in the zone. It takes motivation to be in the zone and pink is the perfect color to represent that. Blue was the color for meaning because blue has been said to have a calming feel to it and as well as intelligence. As of this point, the designer wants the viewer to feel more intelligent from what they have learned viewing this site. Finally, the bottom of the page has orange because it is an energetic color, and the goal for this web site is to make users learn more about simple design and excited to enhance their knowledge on their own.

This website is a simple design and simple to navigate. The simple downward scroll and the little animated hands express the idea of “simple” for the design. Also, the menu button leading to the shortcut tabs are also useful. Nothing too special with texture, but the use of color is meant to give the feeling for the viewer. I feel that this website is useful for someone who is just starting out in design and want a simple tutorial. This website gives a great philosophy for design through its bread and butter of color. It’s not the most complex looking sight, but it’s a good simple website for educational purposes in my opinion.