Review 1

I chose to visit the Puma website. When first visiting, the home page with featured products pop-up. I knew when I got to the site that I wanted to look at the women’s products. It was very easy for me to find, located at the top left of the page next to the Men and Children tabs.

After reading the first couple of chapters in “Don’t Make Me Think” I actually realized how much thought is put into mapping out a site. The first chapter talks about getting rid of “unnecessary thinking” for the user of the website. When I went to, I really didn’t think at all about navigating my way through the site.

Another thing the book mentions is the concept of “scanning.” One of the reasons we do this is because “we’re usually on a mission.” As soon as I read this assignment, I went straight to Puma’s website to find shoes because I was on a “mission” to do that. The second reason is that “we don’t need to know everything.” This is very true. I would say more than 80% of the time I’m only really interested in what I needed to find.

These chapters made me realize that user-friendly websites are a necessity. Especially in the case of a successful website!