Reflection Week 3

Audrey Miller


The three board games played this week were Pandemic, Takenoko, and Impero. During the game Takenoko, we played in 4 groups of 2. This game took contribution of all players for one team to win. It was a very confusing game because each icon had a specific type of move to make and we had to keep referring to the instructions to remember. While playing Takenoko, it was obvious that the game was made around the story and the images on the game pieces were well planned and executed. The mechanics of the game seemed to be the final thing the game designers thought about. It was hard to follow at first, and every question we had, the answers were not in the instructions. The next game we played was Pandemic. This game seemed to have a lot of setting up, that was only needed for one person. After the game was set up, we just jumped into the game and didn’t read the directions because one player already knew the rules and just taught us as we went along. Pandemic was definitely and easier game to play but required everyone to contribute. Instead of one person or one team winning, everyone won. We didn’t play the whole game because we ran out of time when the other group was done playing Impero. But we finished the round with curing 2 dieses. The next game played was Impero. All the instructions were in Dutch or French or who knows what. There were a set of English instructions, but they seemed to be just google translated over because we felt as if it was missing more information. The directions told us to start somewhere that was not specified on the board, and the board had these little arrows on them that we couldn’t figure out what they meant. This game was over all insane. It was not a quick game to play. It took us about 20 minutes to play it. The other thing was we didn’t know how people won. We understood that if you take over a continent then you won that way, but the point system was not right. Then the six cards that sat on the top of the board that you could either pay for or get one for nothing, didn’t seem right to me. Because in my mind, of course people are only going to take the free cards because who wants to waist their coins when having more coins might mean something in the end. Just over all it wasn’t a good game and it needed some t.l.c.