Reading Response 2

What makes up interaction design and what are some of the industry’s challenges?

Interaction design is made up of 6 main components:User control, Responsiveness, Real-Time Interactions, Connectedness, Personalization, and Playfulness.  A human interacting with a phone, a dog interacting with a water fountain, etc.  Some industry challenges are: What hasn’t been done successfully already, that can make a users day to day life better?  What can be done to enhance the users experience?

What is interaction design, how its evolving. What fields does it draw knowledge from?

Interaction design is the enabling of communication through media using technology.  With enhancements in technology interaction design is evolving.  With the use of sensors, switches, and much more designers are able to create unique objects that could change lives.  Interaction design can be involved in any field, anywhere in the world.  Interaction design has  such a broad spectrum of applicable use.  In a way an electric toothbrush is interactive design.