Pollinator 2.0


As a worker bee your objective is to collect as much pollen as you can for the queen bee to then turn into honey for your hive. Make the most honey as a bee, and you win the game!

Set Up

Place the board within easy reach of all players. Shuffle and place the objective cards in a pile next to the board. 

Each player gets all of their honeycomb tiles according to the color of their bee, and keeps them next to the board. They won’t be used until you make honey. 

Each player is then dealt 3 Objective cards, but keeps 2. Those will dictate how much pollen you need to collect to make honey. 

Place bees on either black half hexagon on the hive. Players may start on whichever side of the board they choose.

To Begin

The player who is most allergic to bees goes first. Play then continues clockwise around the board. 

On your turn you may do one of the following: 

  • Flying: If a player decides to fly in any direction they must first roll the weather dice. The weather affects your flight as a bee. Then roll the d12 to determine how many spaces you can move. You must move the entirety of your dice roll, and you can not return to the same flower your bee left from. You may move backward and forward (as well as use shortcuts) so long as the rolled number is reached. 

You must reach a flower by exact dice roll count in order to collect the pollen. 

  • Make Honey: Once your bee has collected enough pollen to fulfill your Objective card you must travel back to the hive to convert your pollen to honey. After arrival at the hive by exact dice roll count (either black hexagon will do) a player must show their objective card fulfilled to the other players, and place their honeycomb in the hive. 

Only one objective card may be converted to honey at a time. If a player has fulfilled 2 objective cards, then they must spend their next turn making honey without moving. Discard all pollen. 

  • Draw New Objective Cards: On your turn you may also draw 3 more objective cards, but you may only keep 2. The others should be put in the discard pile. A player may have 5 objectives at a time. 

Keep in mind some objective cards may be better than others.

Bee Bumping

If another bee lands on the same flower as you, then you must combine all the pollen both players have collected and split it evenly (rounding down). Bees are very good neighbors and helpers! 

Weather Dice

Sunny Day: Perfect flying weather, move your normal dice roll

Windy Day: Flying is a little rough, move your normal dice roll and then backward one space

Rainy Day: Flying is making your wings damp and slow, move half your dice roll

Pollen Max Out

A single bee can only carry 35% of its body weight in pollen. Therefore, a player can only carry 2 objective cards worth of pollen before returning to the hive to exchange it for honey.    

Ending the Game

The game ends when the hive is completely filled with honey! The player with the most honey made wins the game.