player questions for troll riddle run, rotten to the core, and Gideons game(forgot the name)

troll riddle run

  1. The most frustrating part was getting three riddles right in a row at the end.
  2. I had a lot of fun telling the others riddles.
  3. I don’t think we should have to guess a riddle right to start the game.
  4. If i had a magic wand to change something in this gam( which i do lol) i would make it so you can just start rolling and you don’t have to answer a riddle to start you first turn.
  5. the riddle at the start.
  6. troll, riddles, fun.

rotten to the core

  1. The most frustrating part of this game was the investigation cards, and the spinner not working like it was intended to.
  2. The art was really cute, and the game itself when at a pretty steady pace.
  3. I wish i had better luck but other than that no.
  4. If i had a magic wand id make their be more ways to sabotage other players.
  5. Make a better spinner.
  6. cutesy, mindful, demure.

Gideons game

  1. the most frustrating aspect was it wasn’t entirely finished, some parts were missing and the cards didn’t reflect what was in the rules.
  2. the chaos of the cards because some were overpowered if you were just playing with the cards and weren’t looking at the rules for every card description.
  3. stock pile good cards, but it is a fun concept to get a new hand every turn.
  4. if i had a magic wand i would finish the game.
  5. making the card descriptions match what was in the rules.
  6. grenade, rocket launcher, chaos.

4 Replies to “player questions for troll riddle run, rotten to the core, and Gideons game(forgot the name)”

  1. I’m glad you thought our game was cute! I do think that we would like to improve our mechanics for framing other players in regards to the investigation cards, so that there is more opportunity for sabotage. Thanks for your feedback!

  2. The idea of sabotaging other players is good! I think it was at least partially implementing when I played. You could pass off investigation cards.

  3. I’m going to have to play troll riddle run, since I haven’t heard of this one yet. I’m intrigued on how the riddles implement themselves in the playing experience.

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